CYNIC - Kindly Bent To Free Us - zpět na článek

patras patras | 15.1.2018 19:19 právě online


mikael | 14.9.2015 18:05

sakra, cynic by byla škoda

Nigr | 11.9.2015 22:11

Sean, stop being a faggot, lose some weight and continue with Cynic, otherwise you should shut the fuck up and leave it up to Paul, he´s more than capable of running this band.

Goveman | Sága pokračuje | 11.9.2015 11:27

Paul Masvidal
9 hrs · Edited ·
Dear fans and friends, this is all news to me. I just landed from Japan and my inbox was exploding. Sean didn't confer with myself or Malone about Cynic's official breakup or the tour being cancelled. I'm honestly somewhat relieved it's finally over since it's been quite challenging over the years but I'm also trying to figure out how to possibly salvage this tour (with a new drummer) since the damage he's causing by pulling out at this last minute is inconceivable for me at the moment. Please share this message with friends or fans as Sean has taken me off our FB page so I can't access it at the moment. Love to you all. I apologize for the drama...but sometimes life gets messy.
P.S. Cynic will continue one way or another.

Reaper Reaper | 10.9.2015 18:12


Goveman Goveman | 10.9.2015 17:52

It is with a heavy heart that I post today's CYNIC news. CYNIC is no longer an active band. Due to artistic and personal differences, the second chapter in the ‘BOOK OF CYNIC’ has come to an end.
I will say the last shows we played in JAPAN have left me with a positive charge, even though they were the last live performances with Paul, Sean Malone & I on the same stage. My longstanding creative partnership with Paul, which started when we were very young kids in south Florida, has simply endured so much friction that there is no way, from my perspective, that CYNIC can be salvaged, repaired or kept afloat by any means.
I profusely apologize to the fans who were not only expecting us in China & Taiwan (that was not our fault), but to the fans who were planning to see us in Europe next month. These things happen, unfortunately, to bands. There can be differing levels of conflicts and/or differences in opinions, musical directions, or perspectives. Sometimes these things are insurmountable, and no amount of time or effort can resolve them. This is the case with CYNIC.
This page will stay up, and of course there are our respective personal pages and websites that will continue to let everyone know what we’re doing individually.
I wish all of you love & peace.

Pekárek Pekárek | 14.9.2014 00:56


Sambiliong | 20.5.2014 14:58

No mne to teda u prdele nie je! ;-)

Hrobosexuál | 20.5.2014 12:29

Slovnaft: Vskutku zajímavá teorie. Obávám se ale, že v praxi to takhle fungovat nebude. Cynic je přece jenom trochu jiná kapela než třeba Village People. Předpokládám, že většině posluchačů je intimní život jejích členů zcela u prdele. Podobné věci mají většinou potřebu řešit hlavně jedinci, kteří si sami nejsou jistí vlastní sexualitou.

ozzy ozzy | 20.5.2014 09:29

To bejvá.

brutusáček | 20.5.2014 09:09

ale hovno

Matúš Šlovnák - srdce národa | 19.5.2014 21:34

Ha to vám níkomú nedochádzá, že je tó len propagánda hlúpa? Chlapcům se hudba na nosčích neprodává, tak si řekli, že je potřeba rekllámku udělat. Jsme homoušouvé! Kupujte nás! A vždycky jsme býli... tím to zhaslo. Jinak Human a Focus nepotřebovalo homo reklamu a všichni to znájú. A je to jiná liga. i po těch létech bez homo mrdu.

Zdenos Zdenos | 19.5.2014 17:36

:DDDD Martin :D

Martin L. Martin L. | 19.5.2014 17:16

Bulváry, šéfe, bulváry, jak nemáte bulváry, jste namydlenej.

Boovol Boovol | coming out | 19.5.2014 16:35

Redakce MP, bylo to nutné? :-) Tuto skutečnost nicméně už před nějakým časem potvrdil Paul Masvidal na svém Facebooku

pavel | 12.5.2014 07:15

Teď ještě nějaké komentáře typu "to mnohé vysvětluje"...

mocky mocky | 10.5.2014 12:40

ani vokoder netreba :-)

ozzy ozzy | 9.5.2014 20:36

Ci boha! :)

Hrobokop | 9.5.2014 20:29

Paul Masvidal a Sean Reinert se poprvé veřejně vyjádřili ke své orientaci:


for Vejmrda | 11.4.2014 20:09

No úplně polopatě je to zkrátka specifické zvlnění zvukového signálu zhusta využívané teplýma klučičíma kapelama jako Backstreet boys, N-Sync, Cynic apod.