1. Moonless Abyss of the Nighthold, 2. Through the Woods of Breathing Shadows, 3. Chalice of Silver and Blood, 4. Thy Imperial Malice, 5. Curse of the Plaguewood Lake, 6. Encircle the Spectral Dimension, 7. Triumph of the Nightbringer, 8. Into the Shadow Crypts, 9. The One Who Lurks Beyond the Starscape, 10. A Dark Consecration, 11. Creator of the True Realm, 12. Ghostlands
1. Moonless Abyss of the Nighthold
2. Through the Woods of Breathing Shadows
3. Chalice of Silver and Blood
4. Thy Imperial Malice
5. Curse of the Plaguewood Lake
6. Encircle the Spectral Dimension
7. Triumph of the Nightbringer
8. Into the Shadow Crypts
9. The One Who Lurks Beyond the Starscape
10. A Dark Consecration
11. Creator of the True Realm
12. Ghostlands