1. Into the Forest..., 2. Canopy of Wrath and Wonder, 3. Adrift In the Gasping Void, 4. Roots Run Deep, 5. After So Long, 6. The Endless Breeze, 7. Road to Nowhere, 8. Feline Stalking Behavior, 9. Stone and Sparrow, 10. And to Dust We Return, 11. Crepuscular Signals, 12. The Cycle Ends, and Begins Again
1. Into the Forest...
2. Canopy of Wrath and Wonder
3. Adrift In the Gasping Void
4. Roots Run Deep
5. After So Long
6. The Endless Breeze
7. Road to Nowhere
8. Feline Stalking Behavior
9. Stone and Sparrow
10. And to Dust We Return
11. Crepuscular Signals
12. The Cycle Ends, and Begins Again