Už jsme s nimi dlouho nebyli u soudu. Tentokrát se tam mrkneme s kytaristou Infernem (vlastním jménem Roger Tiegs). Ten čelí obvinění ze znásilnění 29-leté ženy a hájí se tím, že mrouskanice proběhla za vzájemného konsenzu všech tří zúčasněných (tím třetím je Infernův kamarád, tudíž se patrně jednalo o tzv. gruppensex – pojem na požádání vysvětlí Milda). Podrobnosti z jednání před soudem si dáme v angličtině:
"She"s lying," stated Tiegs as he took the stand today in the Gulating court of appeals.
According to Bergens Tidende, Tiegs" friend (whose identity has not been disclosed) claimed in court that the woman invited them to have sex with her after Tiegs undressed at the steamy afterparty.
"All of a sudden he stood there, completely naked," the co-defendant said. "Not that that in itself was particularly sensational. He has a tendency of getting naked at afterparties. It has happened before."
Tiegs admits to having had sex with the woman, but says he can"t remember having intercourse with her. He claims he had a blackout after consuming large amounts of beer, wine and liquor.
"Things gradually become more blurry," Tiegs told the court. "I remember the police sirens and waking up in a cell."
However, he does recall taking off all his clothes to create a "funny and exciting situation."
"I"m an exhibitionist," stated the guitarist.
Prosecutor Gert Kjelby immediately linked Tiegs" unusual behavior to his music career. He asked Tiegs if he can"t live out all his exhibitions in black metal.
"Not enough, it would seem," responded the guitarist.
When Tiegs claimed the woman was lying about the events at his apartment, the prosecutor asked: "How would you know since you say that you blacked out?"
"I"ve seen her have sex with [my friend] and me," responded Tiegs. "So at least she"s partially lying."
However, Tiegs couldn"t explain why the woman fled from the apartment wearing only a towel. His friend says the reason is that Tiegs had screamed at her and called her a "stupid whore."
"I can come across as emotionally cold," admitted Tiegs. "It"s quite possible that I yelled at her, but I can"t remember. I can"t rule it out."
The GORGOROTH guitarist also admitted that he can appear as aggressive and threatening, but claims that he"s never used violence.
"I may very well have scared her verbally. I remember that I in the past have thrown people out after having had sex with them."
Tomorrow, January 4, the woman takes the stand.
On May 5, 2005, Tiegs and his friend were each ordered to pay 100,000 NOK (approximately $15,000) in court costs and an additional 55,000 NOK (approximately $8,300) in punitive damages.
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