odmítají záměr svého bývalého labelu Sanctuary Records pořídit reedice starších desek kapely. Citujeme ze vzájemné korepsondence:
From: Steve Hammonds, Sanctuary Group
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:06 PM
To: Antje Lange (CELTIC FROST manager)
"We are looking at upgrading some of the Noise catalogue this year […]. One of the bands we'd like to work on is CELTIC FROST whom I think you still manage. […] There seems to be a lot of interest in the band at the moment and I would like to capitalise on it.
"I know there has been some friction between the band and Sanctuary in the past and though I don't think I can sort out the management issues that occurred I can promise that the records side will treat the artists material with all the respect it deserves. We won't issue anything without full audio and art approval, everything will be run by the band.
"If you would like I'm happy to meet up with Tom [Fischer, CELTIC FROST mainman] and discuss how to move this project forward so all parties are happy, also I would like to stress nothing has been done regarding track listings etc this is just a first pass at getting the catalogue going.
"Reading the [letter by the band of February 19, 2004,] which is still on the bands website I would still like to stress I had never intended to compile or not consult the band on an anthology as this is not the way we do things here."
Odpověď manažerky CELTIC FROST Antje Lange z 13. ledna 2005:
"Dear Steve,
"Thank you for your mail of January 5, 2006, regarding the exploitation of CELTIC FROST's back catalogue.
"I indeed do manage CELTIC FROST and have discussed the contents of your mail with the band. They have informed me in no uncertain terms that they have no interest whatsoever in a perpetual reconstruction of what are by now legendary and classic albums. They feel that this is too transparent a way to proceed and that it will result in a loss of credibility. These feelings are unrelated to their past history with the Sanctuary Group.
"In short, the band have made two points:
- Their opinion on the necessity of an anthology remains strictly unchanged. Should Sanctuary decide to go ahead with such a project, the band expect to be fully involved in all audio and design aspects. […]
- As far as the individual albums are concerned, the band feel that the official re-issues of their albums of 1999/2000 are the definite CELTIC FROST releases and cannot be bettered. They see no reason to alter these albums.
"If Sanctuary plans to re-release the individual CELTIC FROST albums, the band thus would like to see it to be an unaltered re-release of the 1999/2000 re-issues. […]
"Both the band and myself are at your disposal for further discussions on how you may wish to proceed in consideration of the above."
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