Příčinou jeho smrti bylo selhání činnosti jater. Ještě pár vyjádření k jeho skonu:
TERRORIZER: "Words can't describe the loss we feel for our close brother. We feel deeply honored to have shared the last creative moments with him and are greatly appreciative that the hands of fate allowed him to leave us with a final masterpiece. We promise to sustain his memory loudly in the world of the living.
"You'll always live on in our hearts, Jesse!
"Thank you to all the fans for sharing your thoughts and offering support. Below are the words of those who were there with him until the end, his family."
Rodina: "It is with great regret to announce the passing of our son, brother, and uncle Jesse. We are deeply saddened by the recent tragedy and would like to thank those of you around the world for your kind thoughts and words. Jesse passed away at Holland's Erasmus MC hospital on Sunday, August 27, 2006 due to liver failure. He was a son, a brother, an uncle and a great friend to us all. He was a free spirit and was loved, adored and admired by many around the world; he loved them. He was a man of integrity and only spoke good words of his friends. Through him, our lives were enriched with different cultures from around the world. Through his music, he touched our hearts and our minds. His physical being has left us but his spirit will live forever in and through us.
"Thank you to Mitch, Shane, Danny, and Barney of NAPALM DEATH; to Anthony, Pete, and the TERRORIZER family; to the RESISTANT CULTURE collective, and his close friend Carlos Reveles. Especially many thanks to all the fans worldwide you truly inspired him. He loved you and was always a brother."
Century Media: "We are deeply saddened to have lost such a talented musician from our family of bands. Without a doubt Jesse was someone who had so much more to give to the world, not only musically but in his easy-going demeanor and likeable character. Your legacy will continue to live on, but your absence personally is something which is simply irreplaceable. We extend our deepest condolences to his family, as well as to his bandmates."
Progresivní metalcore, který nese všechna stylová klišé, ale rozhodně mu nechybí švih a tempo. A vlastně je to i pestré, od death razance přes deathcore až po djent a melodické vyhrávky. Výsledek je sice takové načančané nic, ale za poslech stojí.
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Irové pokračují ve své vizi neotřele pojatého a math rockem ušpiněného post rocku, jako by se stále snažili vyrovnat debutu, kterým se blýskli již v roce 2009. Opět chybí asi jen špetka, aby to bylo na potlesk.
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NOVA CHARISMA - Metropolitan
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MONUMENT OF MISANTHROPY - Vile Postmortem Irrumatio
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REVOLTING - Night Of The Horrid
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