Zpěvák Nick Holmes podal komentář k připravovanému albu "In Requiem":
"As the album recording process begins to close , and during a period where people decide if they love or hate something you have just spend a year painstakingly putting together, I have decided to compact some reflections over the past few months.
"As this is the bands 11th album, by the time we actually get into the studio, we generally have a pretty good idea how the songs are going to sound. Prior to actually recording, two weeks are usually spent intensively rehearsing the songs, and maybe changing parts that didn't work during the demo stages. Which, co-incidentally, are written with a guitar, software and the Internet. None of us actually live near each other, so it's not always the best recipe for 'jamming' besides, who wants to play the same riff for four hours in a cold room full of blokes?
"Generally, I feel we were far more prepared than the last record, particularly Jeff [Singer, drums]. With the last album he came in towards the last minute — and didn't really get the opportunity to put his 'stamp' on the drumming. This time round I think you can really hear the difference, particularly as we have replaced all his drumming with samples! Joke!
"Recording and studio wise, it's always a real pleasure to go to Chapel studios. Life goes in slow motion at the Chapel, and you find yourself enjoying doing laundry, having afternoon naps, and sipping tea whilst listening to Radio 2 for the two weeks you are there. Steve, Aaron and Jeff laid down the rhythm tracks whilst Greg and I did nothing more than arrange a new song, and send each other verbal insults on messenger from our adjacent bedrooms.
"The second half of the album was recorded at the awesome Strait sound studios in Gibson's, Vancouver. A beautiful part of the world without question, but with appalling routing and overzealous customs interrogation. It took 35 hours to get from Leeds to our destination. The highlight of the outgoing trip was in Heathrow Airport when I was lucky enough to sit next to Pat Sharp from the '90s U.K. kids TV programme 'Funhouse'…yes, the journey really sucked.
"Greg and I worked pretty relentlessly for two weeks here, so much so that neither of us got the chance to see a real life 'Samquanch' — the only real minor niggle in an otherwise very productive recording experience. As I type, the final tracks are being mixed or 'forged,' if you like to be cheesy, in the very capable hands of Mike 'Fraze' Fraser and they sound pretty bloody good!"
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