to zabalili. Zde si můžete přečíst kompletní zdůvodnění zpěváka Japeho Peratala:
"My nerves, stress level and life came to the point that I really need to get some rest and say goodbye for these stressful and still nice days with TO/DIE/FOR.
"Since 2005, we have been through so many shitty things. We have been unlucky to meet so many shitty promoters etc. FUCK YOU ALL (this is for all of those socalled promoters who ruined some of our tours, and are also one of TO/DIE/FOR's killers). Also, I have to thank some promoters, like AYU from Mexico! And, of course, we met other great and friendly promoters too around the world! But...a few assholes really can kill you!?
"Italy visit a couple of years ago,and U.S tour 2007 really sucked a huge part of my/our energy and motivation. It was a miracle that I continued after U.S tour until these days!
"Now, one booking agency tried to handle our first South American tour and also things with this did not work. Local promoters here and there did not pay their part
for the main promoters in time etc. They just could not handle things, which had to be clear. I am so sad and pissed off this tour did not happen... AGAIN! We are so sorry for our fans there.
"There was only nine shows totally confirmed for almost five weeks? And many more not that 'handled' things. They seemed to be working very hard for us, but still... Again, I felt like 'we have been through this shit before.' Also, all these lineup changes always stressed me a lot and made me sad, but still everyone who played with me in TO/DIE/FOR were great persons! Every lineup change killed a little part of me...well, except one!
"With our latest lineup, we tried to write new songs, and we had some 'raw' songs, but there was one big problem! No one seemed to like same kind of songs. Latest album came out in 2006 and after that we had only one new song? And we are not satisfied with it either. Some things must be wrong, I think!? Also, I felt like 'something is trying to drive TO/DIE/FOR's music to wrong direction.' I am gothic and that's it.I do not like heavy metal riffs (actually, I hate it!) and too many hooks here and there. I want it more simple! I want people to remember TO/DIE/FOR as it was on 'All Eternity' [1999], 'Epilogue' [2001] and 'IV' [2005] days.
"I could write many lovely words about every TO/DIE/FOR members I ever played with, but biggest thanks I HAVE TO give for Tonmi Lillman. He is my soulmate what comes to writing music.
"So... as you understand, i am not gonna continue anymore this TO/DIE/FOR suffering, hassle and chaos. It is my time to relax and get new things into my life. We had a lot of fun, we met interesting people here and there. We got new friends etc. Many great things also happened.
"Other members are having their bands. Joonas is playing with MALPRACTICE, Antza is playing in I.D. EXORCIST (and Antza is the guitarist who fucking rocks!), Josey plays punk somewhere, Santtu still plays drums in a couple of local bands here (with Miikka Kuisma). Newest and latest TO/DIE/FOR member Toni is also having a lot of different kind of music projects. Tonmi Lillman (one of my heroes) is working at the studio in Helsinki and also he is still playing drums in VANGUARD and AJATTARA. Alli is playing his guitars at home, Juska is studying something weird things somewhere.
"And believe or not, also we had a lot of fans around the world and all I can say for them is 'I am not sorry at all, and still I am very sorry. This just had to happen right now, and BIG THANKS TO ALL OF YOU. And we will meet again anyway somewhere, somehow, someday.'
"I am singing and writing songs in a band called SUNDOWN SINDROME. We just recorded our first promo CD in Germany, and we are trying to find a great label for us soon as possible. One thing is sure... I am gonna hit the road very soon with new plans and with my new band.
"I am feeling so fresh and happy with SUNDOWN SINDROME. It feels so great to start from the clean table. Every member of this band are in a same boat! We already feel like brothers. No stress, just rocking!
"After all... Some may be pissed off because of my decision, and some may be happy But this is my life. Do we continue someday? Who knows? Personally, I am listening my heart as always."
Festung Open Air
- Manatar
- 25. května 2005
TO/DIE/FOR - Epilogue
- Marigold
- 14. ledna 2002
TO/DIE/FOR - All Eternity
- Marigold
- 7. února 2001
SARCATOR - Swarming Angels & Flies
Třetí album švédských mladíků přináší zároveň i jejich nejvyspělejší materiál. Přechod k velkému labelu z intenzity jejich groovem načichlého blackujícího thrashe pranic neubral, navíc skupina přidala ještě více šikovnosti při kompozici. Svižný poslech!
- Dalas
- před 2 hodinami
MEDUSIAN - Library
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HIERARCHIES - Hierarchies
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