zosnulej poplegende kondolujú rockové hviezdy:
Geezer Butler
"Saddened and shocked to hear of the passing of Michael Jackson. He truly was, and always will be, a true icon. 'Thriller' was one of the greatest pop masterpieces of all time. A sad day for our world. R.I.P."
"Every day the world mourns over the loss of a loved one, a relative, even a pet...but it's not every day the whole world mourns over a single person like they were a loved one or blood relative.
"On Thurday, June 25, 2009, we lost an icon, a legend, a superstar named Michael Jackson.
"I don't think there is a man, woman or child over 5 years old in the world who doesn't know the name Michael Jackson. This in itself is an achievement that is rarely attainable anymore but it shows this man was known for better or worse (in my book, always better; the negative side of his life was always something I always chose to ignore as the MUSIC blanketed this) by EVERY person in the 21st century, and he will be remembered through his music and his legend.
"Of all my childhood memories, many of them included buying my first 45 single (yes, that would be a small 8" vinyl platter called a 'record'!) of the JACKSON 5's 'I Want You Back' to standing in front of a mirror at the ripe age of 5 with a spoon in my hand, pretending it was a microphone and singing at the top of my lungs to every word little Mike was belting out. When my brother Joey and I were about 7 and 8, we would draw crowds at the local boys club of NY as the song 'Rockin' Robin' would be blasted on a record player. Joey would pound on benches/tables as they were percussive instruments while I crooned along to the alto notes of Michael's version. They called us the 'TWEET TWEET BROTHERS'. if you know the song, you'd understand why :)
"Last night, I was witnessing the birth of a new supergroup, an amazing incarnation called CHICKENFOOT (featuring the eternally youthful Sammy Hagar, the baddest bass pounder Michael Anthony, the untouchable Joe Satriani and the mischievous Chad Smith) performing in London — an energetic and amazing evening — only to be flattened by the news of what was happening in Los Angeles simultaneously.... A night to remember indeed!
"Today and forever, I celebrate the music and the influence of Michael Jackson.
"Long live the King Of Pop, long live one of my few mentors of the mic.
"RIP, Michael!"
Fred Durst (LIMP BIZKIT)
"On this tour I have been paying tribute to [Michael Jackson] by wearing his 'Beat It' jacket and rhinestone glove [see photos below]. The irony and timing is shocking. I am very sad. He was truly brilliant and the reason why I love to dance."
Alice Cooper
Michael Jackson was easily as influential as James Brown, and that's saying a lot. We had Vincent Price in common. I used him first on 'Welcome To My Nightmare' in 1975, and he later used him on 'Thriller'. Nobody moved like Michael, he was truly the King of Pop."
Chris Cornell (who recorded a cover version of "Billie Jean" on his 2007 solo album, "Carry On")
"I was on my way from Poland to Berlin following a show. At 1:00 a.m. I got the news and was immediately saddened. I remembered being 6 years old and seeing the JACKSON 5 on our black-and-white TV. His brothers were cool but he had a halo around him. Superstar at 12. What promise. He had magic! It was by chance that I recorded and rearranged his song 'Billie Jean' and have been amazed at the response it gets when I perform it every night. He was amazingly talented and largely misunderstood. I hope that the media will be kind and celebrate the genius instead of cashing in on the tabloid angles that made him a prisoner. I think he deserves that."
Eddie Van Halen
"I am really shocked; as I'm sure the world is, to hear the news. I had the pleasure of working with Michael on 'Beat It' back in '83 — one of my fondest memories in my career. Michael will be missed and may he rest in peace."
Brian May
"Hard to know what to say — what to feel. I find myself wondering what might have happened on his tour... The number of dates in the U.K. that he had committed to was insane. I did have a feeling it was impossible, but I was so shocked to hear that he went so suddenly. Very sad. Of course, I still think of him as a boy — he used to come and see us (QUEEN) play when we were on tour in the States, and he and Freddie [Mercury] became close friends, close enough to record a couple of tracks together at Michael's house. Tracks which have never seen the light of day. Michael was the boy star of the JACKSON FIVE, and always the most screamed at. I remember in their show, they tried very hard to make all the brothers equal in the presentation, but it was abundantly obvious that all most of the girl fans really wanted to see was little Michael. It was Michael who heard our track 'Another One Bites the Dust' when he came to see us on 'The Game' tour ... and told us we were mad if we didn't release it as a single."
Rikki Rockett
"Michael Jackson — huge loss!!! The words genius and musical are used in the same sentence too often. Not in the case of Michael Jackson. His musical expression will never be topped and his inspiration will live forever. R.I.P."
Zach Myers
"Sitting in a dressing room in Calgary, Canada I am more saddened than I can remember in maybe the last five years. Call the guy whatever you want... judge his actions, judge his judgments, and judge the man any way in any language you want. But Michael Jackson was the best. There was no one better. There never will be anyone better. People don’t try anymore. You can take any pretty loser who can't sing who has a good smile and sells records and make him a star. Just look at ANYONE on the charts today. Today we lost a part of music history, a legend, and the greatest pop music artist there ever will be. The things Michael created on 'Thriller', 'Off The Wall' and 'Bad' will never be matched. By anyone ever. Michael Jackson was the best. People believed in Michael Jackson who didn't believe in Jesus. And that, my friends, is a legend. God bless Michael Jackson's music, his soul, and his legend. That can never be replaced. Rest in peace, sir. God bless your soul."
Slash (Slash played guitar on two Michael Jackson singles, "Black or White" and "Give In to Me")
"Really sad news about Michael. He was a talent from on high."
Hodně netradiční černý kov, který do sebe přirozenou cestou nasává prvky mathmetalu a dalších progresivnějších stylů bez toho, aby uhnul v oddanosti kořenů. Po celou dobu instrumentálně zajímavé a emocionálně intenzivní.
- včera
Pokud jste přejedeni HAMMERFALL nebo jich stále nemáte dost, jsou tu TWINS CREW. Kdybych nikdy neslyšel nic podobného, asi bych to velebil. Má to šťávu, dynamiku a slušné refrény. Přestože je švédský power/heavy už dost vybraný rybník, tenhle kapr ujde.
- Manatar
- včera
EREB ALTOR - Hälsingemörker
Máte-li rádi naléhavý zpěv Cristera Olssona, procítěné severské riffové preludování a nevadí vám ani švédština, na novém albu EREB ALTOR si jistě najdete to své. Na žádné slavobrány to není, ale i poctivé bušení do kovadliny má kolikrát něco do sebe.
- Louis
- před 2 dny
Pořád je všechno v pořádku a americká super grupa jede v kolejích poklidného progrocku. I tentokrát se najdou příjemná místa, celkově mám ale pocit, že docházejí silnější melodické nápady. Snad to bude jen takový ten oddech před něčím větším. Doufejme.
- Darkmoor
- před 2 dny
MACERATION - Serpent Devourment
Pojďme si zase užít trochu pravého DM chrastění. MACERATION splňují žánrové atributy na potřebných 100% a doručují desku, ze které budou nadšeni zejména příznivci DISMEMBER nebo GRAVE (ale i BOLT THROWER). Zvuk je tučný, hluboký a deska nepostrádá tlak.
- Reaper
- před 2 dny
REVENGE - Violation.Strife.Abominate
AC/DC war metalu a jejich nová deska. Výrazně podobná těm předchozím. Příznivci REVENGE dostanou klasicky zvrhlý a maximálně agresivní klepec. Tak jako vždycky. A tentokrát rovnou přes 40 minut. No, mě to stačilo dvakrát, potřetí do toho už asi nejdu.
- Reaper
- před 2 dny
Tak je to konečně venku! Pohrobci geniální tech/death entity SPAWN OF POSSESSION jsou zpět v centru dění. V kůži RETROMORPHOSIS působí robustněji a špinavěji, nicméně i tak je dokážete neomylně identifikovat hned po prvním riffu. Epické zmrtvýchvstání.
- Reaper
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AUTUMNFALL - The Archaic Shadows
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