Gene Simmons označil ich chystané album ako najlepšie za posledných tridsať rokov.
"Our new album (title of which you'll just have to wait a bit longer for) is just a few steps from being completely done. We're planning on revisiting one of the eleven songs, to make sure it's gotten everything it deserves. Maybe re-arranging it one last time. Then time to mix.
"The entire writing and recording process of the album harkened back to an earlier, more innocent time. A time that produced albums such as 'Rock And Roll Over' and 'Love Gun'. And, the new songs have that feeling, I have to say.
"It all started with a point of view Paul [Stanley, guitar/vocals] had. The view had to do with ignoring the times, ignoring the critics, not over thinking who and what we are... and that we had nothing to prove to anyone.... nothing. We have been releasing albums and touring for 35 years and why wouldn't we want to do an 'honest' record. Just do it!!! And, he wanted to produce the album himself!!!
"While it's true in the past we had produced KISS records together. And we had both produced other acts outside of KISS. But here was Paul saying he wanted to shoulder the responsibility and burden of steering the good ship KISS on his own.
"He was serious. And I saw it was real. I saw the commitment he was going to make to the album and the band... and I agreed. We all trusted each other and saw the same vision of the band... and perhaps democracy is overrated... and sooner or later, someone had to decide.
"And I will tell you here and now, he's done a great job.
"The process of writing songs involved both writing separately, but often, in hotel rooms and rehearsal halls, literally starting from scratch and throwing riffs and chords at each other. Then working on melody and lyric...starting alone, then bringing it into the rehearsal halls and even during recording, we would often critique the lyrics all the way down to the last minute.
"Tommy [Thayer, guitar] really stepped up in the songwriting some songs with us and actually sings his first song on a KISS album. Eric [Singer, drums], likewise was always encouraging and of course, provided his always dependable bombastic drumming style. But unlike other drummers, Eric is also a great singer. Wait until you hear him tear it up on his lead vocal.
"What else, you ask? Well, Paul and I trade vocals on a few tunes and had a lot to say about each other's songs... Result? Maybe the best record we've done in 30 years. Bold statement? You bet.
"Wait till you hear it."
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- 4:41
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