producent Andy Sneap hovorí o nahrávaní nového albumu ACCEPT.
"Well, I'm pleased— no, actually, absolutely thrilled — to announce I'll be flying to Nashville next month to meet up with Wolf Hoffmann [guitar] to discuss production, songs etc. for the upcoming ACCEPT album. Anyone who knows me will know what a fan of ACCEPT I am, even after [SABBAT ended up] getting kicked off U.D.O.'s first European tour after two dates (for being too heavy, I'd like to add). I still think they were/are such a killer band and although there's no Udo [Dirkschneider, vocals] or Stefan Kaufmann [drums], I personally think it's great that Wolf, Peter [Baltes, bass] and Hermann [Frank, guitar] are still playing together along with Stefan [Schwarzmann, drums] and Mark [Tornillo, vocals].
"This actually came together through a mutual friend, Ed Aborn, who runs the FOZZY website and also does some work for Wolf. When I first met Ed back in 2001, we got onto the subject of ACCEPT and basically we've never stopped talking about it. So this has come about through a bit of nudging and me going 'over here with that album' and it turns out they are as excited about the idea as I am. I'm also looking forward to doing some classic metal as opposed to out-and-out thrash and I think this could be a really heavy record if that's the direction the band want to go in. This, of course, is yet to be discussed and the whole reason why I'm clocking up yet more air miles next month."
ACCEPT momentálne fungujú s novým spevákom menom Mark Tornillo (ex-TT QUICK).
"It all happened in minutes," lead guitarist Wolf Hoffmann said. "Peter [Baltes, bass] and I were working on some tunes in a studio in New Jersey. Somebody suggested we give this guy Mark a call to see if he would join us on vocals. So when he arrived we started jamming on some old ACCEPT tunes — just for fun. As soon as Mark started singing we looked at each other and realized the impossible just happened: we found a new voice for ACCEPT! The timing could not have been better! Now or never... We are re-energized and excited..."
"I want to point out," manager Gaby Hoffmann said, "that Udo Dirkschneider [original ACCEPT singer] has always been our first choice and was asked again to join us for touring and recording. However, after a career of more than 20 years with his own band U.D.O., we understand and respect his decision to focus on his own project and hope that all his fans continue to support U.D.O. as they have until today! More music is better for the fans; there is room for ACCEPT as well as U.D.O. We wish Udo all the best and thank him for his continued inspiration NOT to give up ACCEPT and for reviving out 'metal hearts!' Mark Tornillo knows he has big shoes to fill but he has proven to us at first sight that he can expand with ease the level of ACCEPT's well-known songwriter talent. Wolf Hoffmann, Peter Baltes, Herman Frank [guitar] and Stefan Schwarzmann [drums] have been ACCEPT for a long time and are looking forward to jump back into action and produce great music."
"We can't wait to go out and play again," said Baltes. "Just because Udo isn't available doesn't mean we'll have to sit idle any longer. We feel Mark is the perfect fit. Mark is an experienced veteran singer who is aware of the ACCEPT legacy and his voice fits the sound of ACCEPT perfectly. We can't wait to hear him on new material. Wolf and I have already begun the process of writing songs for a new studio album. He and I have always been a great songwriting team — most of the classic ACCEPT tunes were written that way; together with Deaffy, a.k.a. Gaby Hoffmann, as a lyricist."
ACCEPT 2009:
Wolf Hoffmann: Guitar
Peter Baltes: Bass
Herman Frank: Guitar
Mark Tornillo: Vocals
Stefan Schwarzmann: Drums
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