Zdá sa, že zmena zostavy v ABORTED nepotešila každého. Peter a Sébastien vydali prehlásenie, v ktorom (okrem iného) hovoria o tom, že opustiť kapelu nebolo ich vlastné rozhodnutie a o vyhadzove sa dozvedeli len sprostredkovane.
"Hell, I thought I might as well give my version of that story. Not that it really matters that much after all.
"See there isn"t much in that statement from [ABORTED vocalist] Sven Decaluwé about the lineup change in ABORTED that would qualify [as] untrue. Although some aspects need to be clarified.
"Towards the end of our participation in the band, both Peter [Goemaere, guitar] and myself did lose the motivation to lift the band up, but we did have that motivation when we joined. And I don"t need anyone to teach me that extreme metal isn"t something that will make you rich. However, the way ABORTED is ran made four members extremely poor. Guess which ones? That would be the ones that left.
"Some decisions were made that were not to everyone"s benefit and it lead to loads of disagreements.
"Peter and I actually did not quit, per se; we said, "Look, man, we need to think things through. Right now we"re not happy with the way things work in the band, and we have no motivation to write new material, we need a break of a couple months to get things going again and see if we can make a new start."
"It"s quite obvious to everyone that ABORTED is Sven"s band, and that keeping working with us or not was his decision to make. Maybe it would have been a nice mark of respect from him towards people who have been working with him for a couple years to NOTIFY them they were out, instead of me learning the news through a guy from a band we toured with, for example. Some people have no idea what manners are, it seems... Not that it surprises me at all in that particular case.
"So, yeah, I"m not really mad about this whole thing as some people are sadly predictible... and I knew this would happen this exact way. Hence my involvement in other musical projects than ABORTED growing for the past year.
"I"m sure the new [ABORTED] stuff will be pretty good as the musicians [Sven] chose are excellent, and I wish them the best of luck with this.
"I"m grateful for the experience I had thanks to that band, touring with amazing bands, meeting the most interesting and sick people around the globe, and I"m especially proud to have been playing with such talented musicians, and great people such as Peter, Svenchi, and Dan (with whom I"m actually still playing in THE ORDER OF APOLLYON, for those who are curious).
"I"ll be back on the road sooner or later, with a project or another."
ABORTED - Condemned To Rot
- Úterý, 28. května 2024
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ABORTED - Death Cult
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ABORTED - Vault Of Horrors
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