Si (konečne) zmenili meno, skupina teraz vystupuje ako THE SOULLESS. Ostaňte naladení, s novou značkou príde aj nový album.
"The band started in the pits of hell that was Sam"s basement. We were just playing heavy music and having fun.
"When we decided on the name IGNOMINIOUS INCARCERATION, we never anticipated the level we would get to. Had we known, I"m sure we would have chosen a simpler name.
"The band started to get gigs and we started to take the band way more seriously as we discovered how much fun we could have.
"We did our first tour with TRIGGER THE BLOODSHED and this was when we were first approached by Earache Records. This was a real turning point for the band and we realised we could make something of it. We debated changing the name whilst recording "Of Winter Born", but chose to stick with it. We don"t regret doing this as it is what represented the band at the time.
"Over the last couple of years since "Of Winter Born", we have matured as people as well as a band. When we came to write the second album, we decided we wanted to do something different from the last one. Not a huge alteration in style, but more a progression of what we enjoy most and feel we can write the best. This then led to the discussion of our name. Obviously the name is very long and hard to pronounce. As a band, you"re trying to promote yourselves and get your music to the people. We wanted a new name which was easy to remember and say, and to get ourselves out there. With the change in music, we thought it was a perfect opportunity to change our name as well. This almost "re-launching" of the band has given us new life and we are so motivated towards the new project.
"As for the name-choosing itself, this was no easy task! As we were changing the name, we had to be 100% happy with it this time. We found it really hard to find a name bang-on-the-money. In the end, we wrote down thousands of names and set ourselves a deadline to pick the best one. We all liked "THE SOULLESS," which was in fact a working title for a new song.
"We feel the name has a dark, edgy feel to it, but is not instantly recognisable as metal and it"s easy to say! We feel this represents us a lot better, as well as our new music.
"We have a lot of plans for THE SOULLESS; the new album is written and we will be going into the studio very soon. Everything we do in the next few months will be filmed so we can keep you updated. We did a pre-production demo track, which we are going to put online soon to show you a glimpse of the new material we have been talking about. When we finish in the studio, we will be recording our first official video. We are really excited to get back on the road again as the newly evolved band, THE SOULLESS."
UPDATE - CHANGE from The Soulless on Vimeo.
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