NASUM sú späť. Aspoň na chvíľu. Kapela poznamenaná smrťou zakladajúceho člena Mieszka Talarczyka odohrá na budúci rok niekoľko koncertov, aby si uctila dvadsiate výročie svojho vzniku a navždy sa rozlúčila so scénou.
Žiadny nový album nečakajte.
Zostava bude nasledujúca: Anders Jakobson (bicie), Jesper Liveröd (basa, spev), Urban Skytt (gitara), Jon Lindquist (gitara, spev). Mieszka nahradí Keijo Niinimaa z ROTTEN SOUND. (fotografia)
NASUM: "You thought NASUM was dead? We are. This is not resurrection. It"s farewell, for good.
"If things were different, if Mieszko hadn"t died, NASUM would have celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2012, believe it or not. Therefore, and after long deliberation and scrutiny, we have decided that it"s now or never: NASUM will do a handful of shows and festival gigs around the world in 2012 — to celebrate our anniversary, say a final goodbye to the fans and Mieszko.
"No cheesy reunion, no new albums, no epitaph for Mieszko. We will play only a few cities and festivals in a limited number of disruptive, unruly concerts.
"It will be a total blast, and we aim to go out hard. Just you wait.
"When lead singer Mieszko Talarczyk disappeared and died in the devastating and tragic tsunami of 2004, NASUM instantly ceased to exist. As the band"s voice, producer and one of the main songwriters, Mieszko was a vital part of NASUM"s bloodline. When he passed, all plans for tours and recordings were abruptly stopped. NASUM died when Mieszko died, and the rest of the band members went their separate ways.
"But in the years that passed, the feeling that everything had been left unfinished lingered with the rest of us. Suddenly seven years had passed, and we realized it was time for closure; for us, the band and for the fans. With our anniversary coming up it felt like a perfect time to end NASUM the way it was supposed to — exploding in a ferocious, blasting frenzy, not wither away at the mercy of tragedy. And finally we are ready, able and totally fucking charged, so expect something over the top. The shows will be a varied, intense mix of the best songs from this colossus of grind.
"To handle vocal duties on the upcoming shows we have asked Keijo Niinimaa, vocalist in Finnish grind faves ROTTEN SOUND, to join us. They were always close friends of NASUM, and while Keijo"s plagued screams won"t replace Mieszko, they will add a crippling viciousness to the shows. On a few occasions, we might ask a few other close friends of NASUM to do some vocal sessions. Who? Wait and see!
"Note this: if you ever wanted to see NASUM blast shit to bits, this is your last and only chance."
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