Skupinu po 8. letech opouští basák Alex Milovic. Důvody jsou ryze osobní.
"It is with mixed emotions that I announce I will be stepping down from my role in Northlane. There have been a number of contributing factors over the past year that have led me to make this decision and although it wasn't an easy decision to make, I feel this is the best thing for me.
Music has always and will always be a huge part in my life and has helped shape the person I am today. I'd like to thank all of our friends, families and fans that have supported myself and Northlane over the years, it has been one hell of a roller coaster ride that could not have been possible without your love and support.
"Lastly, I'd like to wish the guys in Northlane good luck and say a huge thank you for all the amazing memories we have created, spanning close to a decade. I don't think any of us thought that when we started this band it would go on to become what it is today. I'm extremely proud of what I have achieved with Northlane. I'm sad to be moving on but also excited for the next chapter in my life."
K tomu skupina dodává:
"Throughout the years we have experienced the highest highs and some debilitating lows as a group. Over time priorities can alter, and sometimes people need to make a change for their own personal growth. That moment for change has come for our bass player, Alex, who is leaving Northlane. Alex was a long standing member of Northlane now at his own personal crossroads, and we are parting ways amicably. We support his decision and wish him well... We will still be performing all upcoming tour dates on the Never Say Die! Tour and Good Things Festival with a new lineup, which will include one of our oldest and closest friends in music, to be announced shortly."
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