Celý (nejen) metalový svět oplakává smrt Dimebaga Darrella. Z reakcí známých osobností dále vybíráme:
Vinnie Paul (Dimebagův bratr): "With all his greatness and accomplishments on the guitar, Dime will be missed more for his giving personality, charisma, caring for others, love and most of all his HEART!! Twice as big as the state of TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!! Dime gave it all every day to each and every one of us and our lives have forever been hollowed without him...Thanks to all of you for reaching out to us in this time of our immeasurable loss. REST IN PEACE BROTHER DIME!!!!!!"
Tony Iommi: "I was absolutely shocked by the news. Dimebag was such a really nice genuine bloke and a great player. He was always very respectful towards me and it was lovely to have him on tour with us. He will be sadly missed."
Paul Stanley: "I"m stunned. The taking of Dimebag Darrell"s life in this horrific murder is a senseless tragedy for his fans and unfathomable loss for his family. I send my deepest condolences to Vinnie and the rest of his family. My thoughts are also with the families of all the other victims of this heinous act."
Gene Simmons: "Sad to report "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott, formerly of PANTERA, has been killed in a club incident. Our best wishes to his family and friends."
Lemmy: "To Vinnie & all concerned: Man, I am so fuckin sorry. You know I loved Dimebag and I"m about as sorry as you can get. Glad you"re OK though. If there"s anything you need help with, you got my number somewhere, OK.Thinking of you."
James Murphy: „I will miss you Darrell, the world will miss you. My deepest sympathies to Vinnie, Rita, and the entire Abbott family as well as to all those like myself who are, have been, and always will be, in awe of what you accomplished, what you played, and most importantly, who you were. Rest in peace brother."
Chris Caffery (SAVATAGE): "Recently we were suddenly stripped [of] a modern-day guitar legend. Darrell was one of the few guitarists in history that had his own unique spot. His own style, his own sound.“
Mike Portnoy: „Dime was an incredible talent who I"ve admired since the beginning when we had both just signed to Atco Records. It"s been many years since I"ve hung with him or any of the PANTERA guys — but my memories with him and the guys were always of great fun and filled with crazy drunken insanity. He lived each and everyday to the fullest. In fact, I never could believe how he could even function (both on and off stage) with the way he partied and lived life.“
OZZY OSBOURNE: "Dimebag was a dear friend of mine. I"m absolutely beside myself with grief. I can"t for the life of me understand why someone would do this. PANTERA toured with me many, many times. I"ll always remember the signed guitar that he gave me at my 50th birthday party. My heart goes out to Dime"s family, his fans and the other innocent victims who were killed in this senseless tragedy. It"s just terribly, terribly sad."
Jonathan Davis: "Darrell and PANTERA were one of the main reasons I joined a metal band. This is a tragic loss for the music community and to all who knew him. KORN is truly shaken and we want to send our deepest condolences to the families of the deceased."
Metalisté truchlí 2
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