čelí v Austrálii vlně odporu. Z článku, který vyšel na www.thewest.com.au, citujeme tyto pasáže:
Community groups have joined shadow police minister Rob Johnson in calling for CANNIBAL CORPSE to be stopped from appearing at Club Capitol on October 10.
In the wake of the murders of Banjup schoolgirl Sofia Rodriguez-Urrutia-Shu and Collie teenager Eliza Jane Davis, the group"s dark message was unacceptable, they said.
CANNIBAL CORPSE, who played in Perth in 1995, has songs such as "Dismembered and Molested", and "Necropedophile", which details "the pleasure gained from killing, then raping, children." In the past 16 years, the group has released 14 albums, many of which are available at music stores throughout Perth.Mr. Johnson said he was disgusted by the band"s highly explicit songs.
"They should be banned from appearing here," he said. "There is enough violence and youth suicide in WA [West Australia] already without any encouragement from awful groups like this. I feel sick at the thought of those lyrics being sung to the youth of WA."
Australian Family Association vice-president Gillian Gonzalez said CANNIBAL CORPSE have the most offensive lyrics she had ever seen. "I could hardly read them, they made me want to be sick," she said. "They are absolutely vile and should not be allowed into the country."
Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone said the group members had not yet lodged visa applications and that, when they did, they would be subject to requirements regarding character.
Young Media Australia president Jane Roberts said she believed the band"s message would be harmnful to Perth"s youth.
"Songs about having sex with dead children — how could anyone think that is appropriate?" she said.
Police Commisioner Karl O" Callaghan condemned the band"s lyrics but would not buy into the debate over their concert.
"There is no doubt that the lyrics are disturbing, but whether the band should play (in Perth) or not is not a matter for police," he said.
Attorney-Gerneral Jim McGinty did not comment on whether the group should be banned from playing and said outfits like CANNIBAL CORPSE thrived off negative publicity.
Láďa Křížek
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