Se vzpomínkami přichází další osobnosti:
Jeremy Wagner (dříve BROKEN HOPE , nyní LUPARA):
"The weight of Jesse Pintado's passing is a tough one. I would say that Jesse Pintado was one of the biggest influences in my metal-related guitar playing.
"I discovered TERRORIZER's 'World Downfall' in 1989. I bought it as an import because Earache Records wasn't licensed yet in the United States. Jesse's songs changed my life, and that album changed everything that was set a standard of intensity that few bands have ever come close to nailing. I have probably listened to 'World Downfall' a few thousand's a permanent fixture in my car. I have bootleg demos, vinyl, rare video, and a number of TERRORIZER shirts in my collection. Back in my BROKEN HOPE days, Alex from CANNIBAL CORPSE once asked me if I ever wore anything else than TERRORIZER shirts because that's all he ever saw me in.
"I've been fortunate to have hung out with Jesse and to have seen him with NAPALM DEATH. I used to interrogate Jesse about TERRORIZER...he once asked me why I was so into TERRORIZER/'World Downfall' as he felt the riffs were just simple, spontaneous, and nothing special. My reply was that simplicity and rawness is the formula for brutality...and he was the master of that...grind and riffing. Just listen to TERRORIZER tracks like 'Fear of Napalm', 'Need to Live', and 'Dead Shall Rise' to hear for yourself. He had his own tone and technique.
"Jesse's influence is far-reaching. From FLESHGRIND to FEAR FACTORY, there's a lot of musicians and bands who I've met over the years who worship TERRORIZER and NAPALM DEATH. Joey Jordison and I once talked of doing a TERRORIZER cover band because the original band wasn't around at the time to do it.
"Jesse Pintado is legend who made an immortal mark on metal/grind as an innovator and a riff-master.
"My condolences go out to his family, friends, and bandmates. I dedicate the debut LUPARA album to Jesse's memory. I love you in peace. "
NAUSEA L.A. (v sestavě mají bývalého frontmana TERRORIZER Oscara Garciu):
"Jesse, our condolences to your family and those who loved and admired you. We can't believe you're gone. We will miss you and never forget you. You were our brother. We grew up together, learned how to play together and started our first band together. Those memories we keep, along with all the music we put down together means you are immortal and live on through us in spirit and in song....
"Rest in peace, brother."
Mitch Harris (kytarista NAPALM DEATH):
"I am very sad and upset about this news. Jesse was like a brother to me and we were very close for many years. For now, I feel the most sadness and compassion for his family that loved him dearly, and tried with all their heart to help Jesse redirect his future.
"I suppose I feel more anger and frustration than anything, as Jesse was gifted with people who loved and cared about him. Jesse was equally blessed with many companions around the world, and I am sure that many people share the same emptiness at this moment.
"Now all that I can do is to try and remember the great times we shared together, and hope that Jesse has somehow found peace in his own mind and soul.
"Thanks ever so much for all of your kind words and concerns."
Mark "Barney" Greenway:
"I am sitting here still really trying to take in what has happened with Jesse. We were in Bulgaria playing at the time when it seems to have happened, and communications were a little off our radar.
"I don't really want to dissect things too much because I'm conscious of how Jesse's family must be feeling right now — simply to say that I'm sad and also disappointed that Jesse wasn't able to fully lift himself again and re-discover his hunger with TERRORIZER. RIP amigo."
Ještě si připomeňme jeden z posledních rozhovorů s Jesse Pintadem, který pořídili
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