Tom Gabriel Fischer zveřejnil na svém blogu pár mouder:
"So the U.S. concert agent in charge of CELTIC FROST's current concert tour proposed the idea of selecting, in certain cities, a member of the audience to be 'roadie for a day,' i.e., work with the band and crew from the moment of the band's arrival at the venue until the time of departure after the show. The 'roadie for a day' has full access to everything, dines with the band and crew, and may take home as much merchandise as he or she wishes. Apparently, EMPEROR had done the same thing successfully. And even though such an idea is radically alien to what I personally perceive to be the purpose and intent of CELTIC FROST, I granted that this might be fun for the fan chosen as well as a welcome distraction from the ambitious touring schedule we have subjected ourselves to.
And the concept worked perfectly when we had our first 'roadie for a day,' the incomparable Eric Massicotte, in Montreal on September 16. We all were sad to bid farewell to him as the day drew to a close.
Which makes last night's events even more ludicrous. A second 'roadie for a day,' incidentally also called Eric, had been chosen for our concert in San Diego. He was reasonably nice and excited, although both we in the band and the members of our road crew all kind of sensed a somewhat strange vibe. Little did we know how right we were. Right after I came off stage after 90 minutes of CELTIC FROST mayhem, before I even reached the dressing room, Eric literally stuck a self-burned CD in my face and said something like, 'Tom, listen to this, it might help you.' I was soaked with sweat, full of performance adrenaline, had a towel wrapped around my neck like a scarf, and had just completed singing 'Synagoga Satanae', the band's closing song.
Eric had transformed from the appearance he had all day. He had exchanged his white t-shirt for a Jesus t-shirt, and the CD he tried to force upon me bore the very crudely handwritten title of 'Who Is Jesus Christ and Why Should I Care'. We couldn't believe it. The sucker was actually trying to convert us. Us, CELTIC FROST, of all the bands there are.
What he achieved was derision. His stay with us thus ended rather abruptly."
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