Několik hudebníků se již vyjádřilo k tragickému úmrtí bubeníka Viteka:
"It"s with deep shock and sadness we have received the tragic news of the death of Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka, drummer in DECAPITATED, and we want to express our deepest condolences to his family and friends. We were really looking forward to touring North America with DECAPITATED, and the news of the accident came as a real shock. We also want to send our best well wishes to Adrian "Covan" Kowanek, who also was injured in the accident, and we sincerely hope that he will recover soon."
"Let it be known that we are shocked and saddened to hear about Vitek"s passing. Our condolences to his family and the other DECAPITATED members. We will be playing for him tonight [at Teatria in Oulu, Finland]. We wish Adrian "Covan" Kowanek a quick recovery!"
Jean-Francois Dagenais (KATAKLYSM):
"It"s with sad regret I learned this morning of the tragic passing of [DECAPITATED drummer Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka]. I met him on the NILE tour. I was doing sound for HYPOCRISY, and DECAPITATED was sharing a bus with us. He was a real cool dude and very down to earth. We had some good times on that tour. I"m just out of words with what happened. On behalf of all in KATAKLYSM, our deepest thoughts are with Vitek"s family and friends. We would also like to send positive messages to Adam "Covan" [DECAPITATED singer] to keep fighting to get better and come back to the stage soon."
Dirk Verbeuren (SOILWORK):
"I"m truly devastated about this untimely passing, Vitek was without a doubt one of the most talented and hard-working extreme metal drummers around. He was a great inspiration to me, a mind-blowing force behind the kit. To die at such a young age and in such dramatic circumstances is just horrible. My deepest condolences to his wife and child, his family and friends, and to the band. Vitek will be sorely missed. R.I.P. Vitek."
Varyen Chylynski (AGAINST THE PLAGUES):
"It"s like a bad dream, I knew Vitek and every time DECAPITATED performed in Chicago area I spoke with him and the guys from the band; we know each other so long before even I came to U.S. I talked with him last time 6 or 7 months ago. He told me how happy he is with his wife and how great is to perform and playing drums around the world, especially in United States. He was so young and so excited about to be a part of metal scene... It"s the most devastating thing happened in the whole metal community — I guess. We lost great young person who was one of the most talented drummers on death metal genre and such a nice joking and laughing person from the bands I know. R.I.P. Vitek. Deepest condolences to his family. I am crying now and my all thoughts are with him in this tough time."
"RIP Vitek! Spent seven weeks on tour with DECAPITATED in 2002. Vitek was without no doubt the most down to earth guy from them. Really sad to see someone so talented & being a great person to be killed in a accident while being on tour. Hope to see Covan recovering out of his injuries. Our thoughts go out to their family and friends and fellow DECAPITATED members."
A závěrem samotní DECAPITATED:
"Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka — our brother and dearest friend — succumbed to head injuries sustained after a bad van accident while on tour in Russia. He was 23. One of the youngest and most promising drummers in the genre, together with DECAPITATED he has consistently released albums both crushing and invigorating in their musicianship. Extremely talented — he has been involved in other side projects: DIES IRAE, PANZER X. He will be missed and cannot be replaced. The metal scene will be much sorrier with his passing…"
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