spevák QUIET RIOT Kevin DuBrow, opustil tento svet 25. novembra 2007 o 17:20, vo veku 52 rokov. Príčina smrti je zatiaľ neznáma, čaká sa pitvu a toxikologické testy.
Randy Rhoads (QUIET RIOT/OZZY OSBOURNE): RandyRhoads.tk:
"I ask this to all of you not only for myself but for other friends and family. I ask that no one here offer any speculation or opinions, theories or other things that could be construed as negative or, and I"m sorry for this, even sympathetic, right at this immediate time. I am already within hours of this having to deal with untrue rumors and speculation and that only adds fuel to that. There is a tendency for the subject of Kevin to incite flames on every board and now is not the time for that. I will explain to everyone here the facts and the truth in the next 24 to 48 hours as I realize this will effect us all. So please, until then, be patient. All details and other pertinate info will be passed on to you here when it becomes available to me. Thank you."
"Wow. Today I learned that my friend Kevin DuBrow passed away. This blows me away. No one would ever imagine this happening to Kevin, especially me, after knowing him for the past eight years. During our tours together, he would really take care of himself, eating well (certainly better than the rest of us). He"d take his vitamins every day, and always kept his body and voice in check. One thing about Kevin was that he was always so thankful for what he had. Performing live and creating music were his passions, and he was grateful for the time he spent with his friends and fans. The rock scene has lost an icon, an individual who brought it every night! Kevin, you will be missed."
Rudy Sarzo (Ex-QUIET RIOT)
"All of us are in shock trying to deal with this," Sarzo told Headbanger's Blog. "The last thing you expect when you get up in the morning is something like this. He was somebody who really loved life. He loved to have fun and have a great time. Every day to him was like a party — that's what it was like when I played with him. I think he’ll be remembered for being a hell of a rock singer. He was definitely one of the best singers of the '80s."
NACHTMYSTIUM - Blight Privilege
Hele, Blake Judd ještě žije. Enfant terrible (ale současně i schopný skladatel) US blacku je (znovu) zpět a tentokráte doručuje tradičněji pojatou kolekci. Šlape mu to dobře, tělo už má sice životem zhuntované, mysl však zůstává stále čerstvá.
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THE CURE - Songs Of A Lost World
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BODY COUNT - Merciless
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