fotogaléria z posledných 25 rokov života tohto velikána sa nachádza TU.
Rikki Rockett (POISON):
"I have known Kevin DuBrow for close to 20 years or so. QUIET RIOT put metal on the radio in the early "80s in spite of the vanilla new wave surge of DURAN DURAN clones at the time. However he died or why, let"s just remember the colossal contributions that he made. Rest in peace, my brother."
Chuck Wright (QUIET RIOT)
"I'm completely shocked and devastated. I've truly lost a brother and it's a very sad loss for the world of rock n' roll. I'm so very fortunate to have been a part of his life these past 26 years. I have so many fond memories and it's a blessing that these recent few years have been so great with the band. There is no reason to say 'I wish we could have...' We did! I still can't believe I won't be sharing the stage with his larger-than-life presence ever again. The man left a mark wherever he went and I'm heartbroken that he is no longer with us."
"We are all grieving."
"Kevin and I were brothers. We spoke daily, and I mean on the phone, not e-mail."
"The Kevin that I knew was a beautiful human being. He was kind, giving, nurturing. And generous. He would stay at my L.A. home when he was in town. I never saw Kevin loaded. He respected my sobriety. He always spoke how about the change of my lifestyle, and how he also wanted to change his."
"The last conversation I had with him 10 days ago was about this subject; he said he had to make some life changes. I was so happy and elated to hear this."
"Gabi [Glenn"s wife] and I spoke to him last on Friday, November 16. He wanted to know if I could pick him up at LAX. On the 23rd, the day of a party at my house. Then there was nothing, no communication. Zero. Come Thanksgiving I knew something was strange. At the house, Kevin"s room was prepared as always, with his fave candies next to the bed. He always requests them when he stays. I thought, he"s gonna come jumping through the door any minute and demand to play the winner of the pool game between Chad Smith and myself."
"As the party ended, Gabi and I spoke of his absence. She was very upset. All along, I felt something seriously wrong. Come Sunday morning, I couldn"t take it anymore and called Lark Williams, Kev"s ex-girlfriend. She was in San Francisco. I asked her if she knew a paramedic who could go over to Kev"s house and investigate. Dana, the medic, got in the house only to find my sweet brother at peace."
"I am completely shellshocked. We were planning to go to Hawaii for some relaxation in the New Year."
"For those of you that didn"t know him, he was a true, true friend."
"l"m gonna miss our dinners at the Palm in Beverly Hills. I"m gonna miss his loud voice bellowing through my house. I"m gonna miss those oh-so-corny jokes. We all will miss him."
"Sleep well, brother. Your legacy is in good hands with me."
"Your loving brother, Glenn."
NOVA CHARISMA - Metropolitan
Tento projekt táhne především charakteristický vokál Donovana Melero z HAIL THE SUN, což ve spojení se Sergio Medinou z ROYAL CODA znamená ono emotivně bolavé ukřičené post hardcore inferno, které odkazuje k domovským skupinám obou zmíněných hudebníků.
- Noisy
- před hodinou
MONUMENT OF MISANTHROPY - Vile Postmortem Irrumatio
Rakouská brutální parta si za tematickou oblast své tvorby vybrala sériové vrahy. Je tedy asi logické, že těžiště i jejich třetího alba je deathgrindový nářez. A je to slušná porce třeba pro příznivce belgických ABORTED.
- Noisy
- před 3 hodinami
REVOLTING - Night Of The Horrid
Klasický "Rogga" Johansson a jeho user-friendly death metal. Letos sice nemá oslnivou formu (viz slabší PAGANIZER), ale stále je to se ctí. Minulá deska byla lepší, ale i tady si skalní fanoušek najde to své. Hned po prvním poslechu vidíte všechny karty.
- Reaper
- včera
50M ZNAK - Nadechnout se
Trochu emařiny, trochu punkrocku a špetka indie melancholie. KOVADLINA řiznutá CARCIO RADIO. Ve výsledku celkem pozitivní vibe. Nová kapela se staronovými tvářemi a Banánem u mikrofonu. Hardcorovější MŇÁGA? Možná.
- včera
HIDDEN MOTHERS - Erosion / Avulsion
Tahle britská parta si prostě musí vybrat co chce. Koncept, ve kterém střídáte mělký emotivní rock a temnou post metalovou vlnu šilhající po blackaze v konečném důsledku působí jako zmatlaný dort od Pejska a Kočičky.
- včera
Nesúhlasím úplne s kolegom Shnoffom, že „PowerNerd“ je „ezo“. Devinovej potrhlosti je v textoch síce dosť, no v prvom rade ide o priamočiary prog’n'roll, ktorý strhne a baví od začiatku až do konca. Ad koniec: na „Ruby Quaker“ sa už so Shnoffom zhodneme.
- Thorn
- včera
Devinovu sólovou tvorbu buď milujete nebo je vám lhostejná. Nenávidět Devina nějak nelze. PowerNerd je asi očekávatelný, vrstevnatý ezo prog opus, který potěšil, ale nijak mě na lopatky nepoložil. Kromě songu "Ruby Quaker" ovšem. To je šleha jako kráva.
- Shnoff
- před 2 dny
BRUCE DICKINSON - The Mandrake Project
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KERRY KING - From Hell I Rise
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DARKENED - Defilers Of The Light
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Stephen King - HOLLY
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HEJTMAN - Vítejte v pekle
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IN APHELION - Reaperdawn
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