hlásí nový přírustek. Ke kapele se připojil zpěvák Guillermo Gonzales.
Davide Tiso komentuje situaci takto: "Guillermo has been close to EPHEL DUATH for some time — he almost joined the band before in 2003! He was going to take the place of the clean vocalist Davide Tolomei, who left EPHEL DUATH after "The Painter"s Palette". Then we realized that Guillermo"s aggressive vocal approach was going to clash with Lucio and we all agreed to abandon the idea. In any case, from that moment on Guillermo started to be very active with EPHEL DUATH, helping me with lyrics and the development of the concepts so far. The whole idea behind the songs "Vector" and "Vector Third Movement" from "Pain Necessary To Know" come from a conversation we had together. More recently, he was the person that pushed me to write the short stories I did for "Through My Dog"s Eyes".
"I always thought that one day I was going to have a band with my friend Guillermo, then when Lucio realized that he was forced to abandon the band, we both agreed that he was the right person to call to properly continue the activity of EPHEL DUATH. We are already working so hard, that I didn"t have the time to realize how excited I am to start this new adventure... What I know is that I"m really, really happy and genuinely trusting for the future of my life, and my band."
Nový vokalista Guillermo je také profesionální hráč pokru, čehož kapela hodlá využít - jeho výhry by mohly napomoci při financování turné.
Guillermovo vyjádření: "I"ve been in the Italian extreme metal scene since 1992. For 15 years I"ve been the lead singer of MOTHERCARE, one of the most important Italian underground extreme metal bands (boasting collaborations with NAPALM DEATH and NASUM). I met Davide in 2002 when we both lived in Venice. He"s been my dearest friend since then. We often tried to do something together, but our roads always went in different directions. Now it seems our roads have finally become one.
"Two months ago I left MOTHERCARE because of internal contrasts and I felt like my life was over. Two weeks ago Davide told me that Lucio was going to quit and asked me to become EPHEL DUATH"s new singer. A new life started. Lucio is a great performer and has been a great partner for Davide; I"m honored to be his heir and I"m insanely excited about being in a band that I always considered one of the most innovative and original in today"s music.
"In my "regular" life I am a poker journalist and a professional poker player. Since 2006 I"m the editor in chief of Poker Sportivo, the main Italian poker magazine. I live now in Verona but I"m often touring Europe to follow all major poker tournaments. I"ve got a blog where I write about my poker life, cinema, music, creative writing and other stuff."
Guillermův blog najdete na manglewax.blogspot.com.
Luciano Lorusso George, který působil v kapele od roku 2003 opustil EPHEL DUATH z ekonomických a personálních důvodů. Davide vysvětluje: "Lucio is together with me the guy who has always believed most in this band so far. The news about his departure has been shocking, especially for him as he had no choice — and he never thought about his life without the band. I"m so sad he"s no longer part of this project, especially after all the work he"s put into "Through My Dog"s Eyes". EPHEL DUATH has always tried to surmount any obstacles put in its path and this is probably one of the most difficult we"ve ever faced, but we will continue because challenges are the roots of this band and it"s what makes us stronger. And after recording an album about a dog, who can fault fate with this twist they"ve laid upon us?"
Kapela kromě toho zveřejnila novou skladbu "Breed". Klik.
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