Portnoy komentuje svoj minuloročný rebríček:
1. METALLICA - "Death Magnetic"
Portnoy: "Is this too obvious a pick? Perhaps.....but it's absolutely deserving. No other album has kicked my ass this year as much as this one has... This is the new METALLICA album I've been waiting almost 20 years for! That they made an album this strong and inspired 25 years after their debut is absolutely incredible and completely unprecedented (I challenge you to name three other bands that you can say that about... I can't!)"
2. PROTEST THE HERO - "Fortress"
Portnoy: "This album is totally insane... awesome playing, crazy arrangements, breakneck tempo and time changes. This is what MR. BUNGLE would've sounded like if they grew up on equal portions of DREAM THEATER and THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN!"
3. THE MARS VOLTA - "The Bedlam In Goliath"
Portnoy: "After being disappointed with their last one, this latest one is back on track with some very cool, more cohesive (by their standards) writing. And new drummer Thomas Pridgen is worth the price of admission alone for all you drummers out there."
4. BEARDFISH - "Sleeping In Traffic Part 2"
Portnoy: "These Swedish retro-proggers were on my 2007 top 10 list with their 'Traffic Part 1' and they have done it again with the equally as great 'Part 2'. If you dig early '70s prog stuff like ZAPPA, GENESIS and YES, you'll dig these guys… (If you're a closed-minded Blabbermouth-posting idiot, don't bother.....not that you would've anyways!)"
5. SLIPKNOT - "All Hope Is Gone"
Portnoy: "For any doubters, look beyond the masks... these guys have made an absolutely amazing metal album with some great playing and a bit of Corey Taylor's more melodic side making its way into the sound without losing any of their edge and power."
6. OPETH - "Watershed"
Portnoy: "My Progressive Nation tourmates never disappoint...I think every album they've released in this millennium had made my year-end list! They're one of my all-time favorite metal bands... 'Nuff said!"
7. BLOODBATH - "Unblessing The Purity" / "The Fathomless Mastery"
Portnoy: "For the OPETH fans that dont like their melodic and progressive side (shame on you!) there are these two absolutely brutal side project releases with Mikael Åkerfeldt's trademark death growls and Martin Axenrot's intense double-bass drumming and blast beats that are tighter than a nun's vag..."
8. TRIVIUM - "Shogun"
Portnoy: "My favorite release so far from these guys who have really fallen into their own. It's refreshing to see a young band who obviously take their playing and writing as serious as they do and keep the shredding alive in metal.
(And yes, this is the third Roadrunner release in my top 10... and it is not due to any kind of shameless self-plugging or ass-kissing...they just happen to have the best metal roster around and are the best label on Earth... which is why we made them DT's home!)"
9. STEVEN WILSON - "Insurgentes"
Portnoy: "The newset addition to my ipod in the past few weeks is this latest masterpiece from PORCUPINE TREE's leader and sonic genius. Some serious ear candy here."
10. CYNIC - "Traced In Air"
Portnoy: "The pioneers of progressive death fusion are back with a sophmore release that took 15 years to come to fruition!"
DREAM THEATER - Night Terror
- Pátek, 11. října 2024
- 10:12
První singl z chystaného alba DREAM THEATER
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Další singl Jordana Rudesse (DREAM THEATER)
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ALBOVÁ NADÍLKA - #03/23 Březen
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- 23. května 2023
SOUTHERN EMPIRE - Civilization
- Marigold
- 18. září 2018
American Primeval
Trochu Red Dead Redemption pro čtenářky Marianne. Pod krví a špínou se schovávají scenáristická klišé a dutá schémata revizionistických westernů. Má to sice patřičně gritty look, ale nekouše to. Spousta sentimentu a neschopnosti poradit si s postavami.
- Marigold
- včera
FU MANCHU - The Return Of Tomorrow
Veteráni stonerrockového stylu toho mají za sebou už hodně, ale stále jim to hodně sluší a tak i album roku 2024 v sobě nese odkaz na klasické devadesátky a tedy dobu, kdy tahle skupina tvořila po boku KYUSS historii.
- Noisy
- včera
The Breakthrough
Low-key scandi thriller o druhém největším vyšetřování v dějinách Švédska má pár dramaturgických botiček, ale svým důrazem na skvělé postavy a trpělivě budovanou atmosféru odhodlaného zoufalství dokáže ve finále trefit na solar. Silná a poctivá minisérie!
- Marigold
- včera
BESNA - Krásno
Krásno vyšlo včera, na výročie obety Jana Palacha. Ak chcete mať zimomriavky z počúvania slovenského metalu, čo najskôr si dajte tento prvý veľký domáci album tohto roka.
- Rudi
- včera
DECULTIVATE - Decultivate
Nelze jimi pohrdat, musíte je milovat! Bezejmenná novinka nepřekvapí ve smyslu žánrových změn, ale přijde mi rafinovanější a propracovanější než kdy předtím. Rozhodně však ne na úkor intenzity a nekompromisního přístupu. Tady vše při starém a dobrém!
- Dalas
- včera
WYATT E. - Zamāru Ultu Qereb Ziqquratu, Pt. 1
Už pár dnů mě trápí teploty, tak se nořím do hojivého babylonského bláta těchto Belgičanů. Ve své drone doomové přísnosti je to krásný, bezmála hřejivý delirický zážitek, který jedním dechem proklíná i povznáší, elegantně tančí i trpí v křečích.
- Marigold
- před 2 dny
I přes původní vize, že nová deska Nicka Cavea ponese optimistickou auru, propadá se "Wild God" do pochmurných nálad a svou tísnivou atmosférou umí sevřít posluchače do kleští. Přesto je "Wild God" o kus písničkovější než minulé desky, což je za mě dobře.
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RETRO VALHALLA 1995 - Top 10
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HIPOXIA - Fragmented Revelations
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SOLNEGRE - Annihilation of the Self
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WHARFLURCH - Shittier / Slimier
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GRIM COLOSSUS - Descent Into Madness
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