vydá v polovičke apríla DVD "The Night That Will Not Die". DVD vyjde u jeho vlastnej firmy Blaze Bayley Recordings.Nahrávanie sa uskutočnilo 13. decembra 2008 vo Švajčiarskom meste Pratteln (klub Z7), pod vedením Krisa McManusa a bude obsahovať jednu novú skladbu "The Man Who Would Not Die". Réžiu samotného DVD má na svedomí Jase Edwards.
Commented Blaze: "The bad news is that we are having some technical problems with the transfer of the final edit. Your DVD is a two-disc set. Disc one is the concert footage from Z7. Disc two is the documentary and special features including the new song we wrote just for this DVD. These two separate discs have been edited by two different people in different locations.
"The second reason for the delay is the tour. Each limited edition will be signed by the whole band and numbered by me by hand, and each also comes with a certificate signed by me to guarantee the authenticity of your limited edition. We are currently away on the first leg of the European tour and we can"t get together the band and the bits and pieces to sign until April. So realistically, when all the problems are solved and there are no other delays with printing and artwork, we will start posting the limited-edition pack in mid-April, when we have a small break in the tour."
A two-camera mix of Blaze Bayley performing the song "Voices From The Past" on December 6, 2008 at The Marr"s Bar in Worcester, England can be viewed below (footage shot and edited by Richelen Productions).
Blaze Bayley started the European leg of the Tour That Will Not Die in Italy on February 25. The two-month trek will cover over 17 European countries in 43 shows. Then the tour heads to the U.K. for 27 shows in May and June, as well as appearances at the Sweden Rock festival and Romania"s Rock City Open Air festival.
Blaze reportedly dedicated the song "While You Were Gone" at the Pratteln concert to his wife/manager Debbie Hartland, who died in late September after suffering a brain hemorrhage while in the hospital.
Zdroj: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.Net
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