oslávia 1. apríla desať rokov existencie.
As many of you know, on April 1st, Ipecac Recordings turns 10 years old. We don't have any big party to invite you to, or a special release to give you or sell you. We simply would like to thank you for your support. It is amazing that we have survived 10 years. In the beginning, we were not even sure we wanted to be a "real" label. Some would say we aren't. We did not have lofty expectations, we just wanted to put out some Cds that we liked that might not fit in anywhere else. We have covered a lot of ground in 10 years and hope to continue the journey for another 10.
This would not have been possible without three VERY important groups of people.
1) We are eternally grateful to all the people that have worked with us behind the scenes. The employees, the interns, the sales people and distributors around the world that we have worked with, the publicists, etc. This has truly been a team effort and we have been lucky to have worked with some great team players.
2) YOU! We are also beyond grateful for our loyal and patient fanbase. Despite not really having a sound, or look or ever being considered "hip", we have developed a strong identity thanks to you, our supporters. By buying Cds, shirts, tickets etc. you enable us to keep going. We know that no one loves everything we do, but it is nice to see so many willing to try things with us. We take nothing for granted and appreciate everything you do for us. It is not easy to survive in this economy and in this often times hideous industry.
3) Finally, it really is all about the artists. Damn, it is cool for us to look at our discography (on our updated website!). So many cool releases. They are all important and special to us. The artists we have worked with are not only talented but damn fine people too. That makes all the work we put into it worthwhile. Our artists are our friends, I can honestly say. Not every record has sold a ton, but we measure success by looking beyond the accounting sheets. You all deserve platinum records!!!! THANKS for letting us work with you.
Ok, that's it for now. Happy Birthday to us all!!!
Greg, Mike & Shawn
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