Členovia skupiny sa cítia byť podvedení a k rozchodu s Blazeom Bayleyom poskytli vlastné stanovisko:
"It is with regret that we confirm that the Blaze Bayley band is now finished. It was not our decision or of our desire for the band to end. The statement released yesterday was not one that we were asked for comment or viewing on.
"The concerts scheduled for May/June said to be rescheduled to December. The promoters and venues have not been informed of this as was highlighted yesterday by the influx of concerned promoters and venues contacting the band members directly yesterday after Blaze's new manager released that statement.
"The claims that health and financial reasons have forced Blaze to take the decision of continuing without the rest of the band are only partially true, to say the very least. Proof of this is that he will continue touring on his own with session musicians fulfilling prior commitments that were contracted as a band and also contracted by the band and also will probably be fulfilled using music written by the band.
"It is because of the great appreciation to the people that have supported this line up unconditionally throughout the last few years and past three CD releases that we feel that is only fair to let them know the true reasons for the band to end.
"It is obvious that it is cheaper and easier for a promoter to fly a solo singer and have him play with a random local musicians or MAIDEN tribute acts that might play for free, or the 'prestige' saving money for the promoter and leaving more financial gain for the contracted artist.
"Our standpoint is that the bands two studio albums, written by the band (quite obviously not Blaze alone) should be promoted by the band itself rather than the musicians being dumped without fair option or choice for the better gain of one band member and one self-appointed girlfriend manager.
"We have not been told the entire truth at any point of these plans since January, and there has been a total disregard and lack of respect paid to the four years we have worked on the music, the planning, and the extensive, very hard ground level touring that has been done across Europe, Russia and South America since early 2008.
"We all will continue writing and making music in the future."
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