Spevák Joe Volk odišiel z kapely. CBP si už zaňho našli náhradu.
Justin Greaves: "I guess by now some of you will be wondering what‘s going with the band right now. Well first of all, we‘re just about to announce the complete tour dates, including Greece. We‘re also just about to announce our new vocalist.
CBP are happy.
On a personal note, My working relationship with Joe Volk has come to an end. This note will be the one and only time i want to talk about this, but seeing as though i‘ve noticed a few comments i feel i need to explain a couple of things.
I‘m dissapointed that Joe felt it was necessary to leave the band so soon after recording the album and before a tour that we‘re doing in support of the album, and i‘m sure you guys reading this and are interested in the band will understand that there‘s been a lot of changes, members of the live band, record label..etc.. So dealing with this has been a concern. Of course i am concerned about what our supporters think, but at the same time CBP is and never was about having a "front-man" so if people no longer want to support us or want to buy tickets to our shows, that is their loss, because right now, the band feels stronger as a unit and positive about the future, we‘re not changing, we‘re the same as ever playing the same music.
This band or whatever you want to call it has been my baby ever since 2004, i started it because i promised my best friend i would do something i could be proud of one day, my best friend then was killed in a car crash. THAT is why this band exists, mostly the music reflects the shit i‘ve lived through, i‘ve poured my heart and soul into this band, i know not everything is to industry standard, or to everyones taste and preconcieved formulars, i have sacrificed so much to do this and to steer the ship, it‘s a pretty unrewarding position to be in. So right now i, along with the rest of the band are trying to simply do our job in a bad circumstance. We‘ve not made any secret about Joe leaving the band, we were in fact intending to make it obvious when we posted news about the tour, but i didn‘t want to make a big thing of it right now because the impotant thing is the new album release and the video and of course the tour. Joe left us and that‘s his choice, and i feel people/fans deserve the truth whilst we as a band can maintain some degree of mystique. So i hope you will understand this is not an easy thing to manage and it‘s not easy to write down either. I know some people will not get what i‘m trying to say, or think i say too much, but i believe in standing up for the band and my good fellow band mates and also myself, so to be honest, i think it‘s time to write a few things down and prevent them from weighing us down, at the same time try to retain some integrity.
I really really appreciate everyones support, i‘m finding it amazing to find more people listening to CBP and coming to the shows, although the pressure level has increased... So to finish off, thanks for reading this, i hope to see you on the road somewhere, and i hope you‘re going to like the new guy, because we certainly do!
Now i will go.
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