Prog-rockeri vydajú nový album 18. júna u InsideOut Music. Bude sa volať "Banks Of Eden". (Obal.)
Roine: "It was both a scary and exciting prospect to go back into the studio after an almost five-year-long, well-earned hiatus. We have all been active with TRANSATLANTIC, KARMAKANIC, AGENTS OF MERCY since, so we were up to speed in the playing department, but starting THE FLOWER KINGS again put some weight on my shoulders, I suppose, but it's fun. We knew we could make an album 'cause this is what we do and we know we do it good, but the question was if we had anything new or anything important to contribute in 2012, in a time when the Internet fills every hour with entertainment and every town or village seems to have emerging prog superstars. Realizing now with ELP, CRIMSON, GENESIS, GENTLE GIANT and PINK FLOYD being history, we are among the new eldermen of prog and we feel responsible for keeping the standard up, so a lot of hard work is gonna go into the coming months. The core members were there and for this re-starting of THE FLOWER KINGS, we brought in new 26-year-old drummer prodigy Felix Lehrmann. Without playing one single note together, or no audition, we started the recording at Varispeed studios in Sweden, January 23rd, taking a big, big chance. It is with happy smiles on our faces that we can conclude that it was a jackpot and a great choice and we feel Felix is gonna breathe life into both the new and old material in a live setting, possibly with a more hard hitting edge. His outgoing personality and general love for music and playing will be very evident live and for coming albums I can feel he may contribute even in writing. The progressive daredevil at the helm made us start the new album with a 25-minute epic centrepiece that is NOT easy listening, it is in fact a quite demanding task. But the material also has all classic elements of THE FLOWER KINGS style with all the dreamy melodic and cinematic glow sprinkled all over, that the band's fans have come to love over the years. My advice is: just give it time and it will be very rewarding."
ALBOVÁ NADÍLKA - Retro blok 2023 podruhé
- Noisy
- 9. února 2024
- Pátek, 8. září 2023
2v1 - Duel FROST* versus ANDERSON / STOLT
- Marigold
- 14. července 2016
TRANSATLANTIC - Kaleidoscope
- Hooya
- 4. února 2015
THE FLOWER KINGS - Nitra, Stará Pekáreň - 8. apríla 2006
- Rudi
- 12. dubna 2006
DJEVEL - Natt Til Ende
Faust a spol. tentokrát více přitlačili na pilu a natočili o poznání méně přátelskou desku. Více black metalu a méně zjemňujících prvků. I tak je materiál pěkně diversifikovaný, jen je méně přístupný a chybí mu ona zpěvnost, vzletnost a naléhavost.
- Reaper
- včera
NEKUS - Death Apophenia
Čistý death/doom. Špinavý, jeskynním marastem až po krk nasáklý. Ale také spíše jednoduchý, držící se jako klíště žánrových standardů bez nejmenší ochoty alespoň základně experimentovat. Co mu však nechybí, je tolik potřebná neotesanost a hrubozrnnost.
- Reaper
- včera
Nejvíce přístupná deska GAEREA. Portugalci sice stále preferují rychlá tempa, ale materiál zároveň různě zahlazují, kudrnatí a zjemňují. A vesele do něj integrují jeden post-metalový prvek za druhým. Black metal pro masy, nicméně velmi pěkně složený.
- Reaper
- před 2 dny
VAMPIRSKA - A Liminal Heart Paints The Deepest Shade Of Serenity
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- Reaper
- před 2 dny
ALARM! - Alarm!
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- Noisy
- před 2 dny
OPETH - The Last Will And Testament
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- před 2 dny
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- před 3 dny
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