... sa museli rozlúčiť s iba pred rokom povolaným vokalistom Coreym Athosom.
Jeho pozíciu znova zaujme gitarista a spevák Erik Lindmark, ktorého k tomu donútili zdravotné dôvody: pre bolesti nemôže hrať na gitare dlhšie ako približne dve minúty, tak chce počas koncertov robiť aspoň niečo - spievať.
Na koncertoch sa teda gitary logicky chopí niekto nový. Lindmark však bude naďalej skladať a nahrávať nový materiál.
Erik Lindmark: "As many know, a couple years back we did a drastic member change where I decided to go from doing both vocals and guitar to just guitar and backing vocals and adding Corey Athos (Flesh Consumed) to the lineup. Corey was going to take over, basically, all of the vocal duties, allowing me to concentrate more on just playing guitar and doing some backups here and there. We thought this would be a good move, allowing the vocals to be more aggressive and in-your-face, like on our last release, Of What's To Come."
"We made the decision while writing this album, which is why you hear the progression in both vocals and guitar work from our previous releases. This would also allow myself to get a bit more technical and crazy on the guitar work as you hear with the added leads and over writing on Of What's To Come."
"Unfortunately, the years of playing has taken its toll on my left or fret arm and I have been diagnosed with a severe level of tendonitis. Recording is not an issue, because songs are broken up into small sections and I am still recording on the new release, Portals To Canaan, but live is an issue. If I play for more then about two minutes straight, I get an overwhelming amount of pain in my fret arm and can no longer put any pressure on the neck and have to stop. This, in turn, live would leave nothing for me to do if Corey is doing vocals and I need to be replaced on guitar. So what we have decided is I will be doing all vocals live, but not playing guitar. Might be a bit weird, but it's either that or quit, which I do not want to do. On future releases I will still contribute to the writing process and recording, so I won't be completely out of the loop as far as guitar work goes. Inevitably, this means Corey will not be part of the current lineup. He put in a tremendous amount of effort on the lyrics for Portals To Canaan and will get writing credits in the release. We wish him the best with Flesh Consumed and all other future projects."
"This was a very difficult decision for me, but I feel it is the only decision to move forward with Deeds Of Flesh. I am trying to remedy the situation, but we are planning on touring for the new release next year and didn't want this to be a surprise, so thought this should be brought on now rather then later."
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