Gary Holt: "I am, for the first time in my life, at a loss for words. The terrible reality of last night's tragedy is starting to sink in, and I am in a deep state of mourning over the loss of one of my personal guitar heroes, on stage and off, Dimebag Darrell.
Hank Williams III (SUPERJOINT RITUAL, současná kapela Phila Anselma): "I'm sure there will be plenty of new rumors surfacing.....And fingers pointing at people to blame... But Philip [Anselmo, ex-PANTERA] and the rest of SUPERJOINT RITUAL are in a state of shock and blown away by this tragedy! We do not take this shit lightly... What this kid did is so fucked up its not even conceivable. May you burn in the hottest corners of hell, you pistol-packin' pussyfuck...“
Lars Ulrich: "Much love and respect and thanks for letting me be a small part of your life and I know you are already having fun and throwing it down with Bon Scott, Keith Moon, John Bonham, Jimi, Cliff B., and the rest of the musicians and troublemakers that you are hanging with so prematurely."
Abe Cunningham (DEFTONES): "We had the pleasure of touring three times with PANTERA. They treated us so well on the road. We had some great times hanging out with them. They treated us with open arms, especially the brothers [Dimebag and his brother, Vinnie Paul]. Darrell lived the music. We feel terrible, and our hearts go out to his family, brother and father. He was a legend in this business, and an unbelievable musician. He will be missed by all."
Fred Durst (LIMP BIZKIT): "Last night was the 9/11 for metal to me and the metal community. Not only did PANTERA inspire me to have the courage to express myself they were also one of my main motivations to form LIMP BIZKIT. I am sad beyond comprehension. I mourn for the loved ones of dimebag and the others murdered. a living legend has been taken from us. life has permanantly changed for me as of last night. I believe everything happens for a reason and in no way do i understand the reason for this. I will be forever in his debt. RIP Dimebag."
LIFE OF AGONY: "Today is a sad day for music. LIFE OF AGONY are extremely distraught over last night's insane tragedy which took the life of DAMAGEPLAN's Dimebag Darrell. The band's hearts go out to the Abbott family as well as the entire DAMAGEPLAN camp. Dime, you will never be forgotten. We are all just speechless over here."
OPETH: "The members of OPETH want to express their shock and sorrow in light of the recent tragic death of PANTERA / DAMAGEPLAN guitarist Dimebag Darrell. Condolences goes out to his family and especially his brother Vinne Paul who we hear is wounded but alive. We hope for a swift recovery. Things like this should not happen!"
MINISTRY: "MINISTRY would like to like extend our deepest condolences to Darrell's friends and family and the friends and families of others who were killed or injured last night. Several members of MINISTRY were very close with Darrell and we are deeply saddened by the loss of this great artist."
Trevor Peres (OBITUARY): "I can't believe that this happened to Darrell. One could never imagine something like this happening at a metal concert. Out of all of the 'rock stars' that I know, he is the last person that deserved that. What a great guitarist and what a 'ham' he was. I am completely devastated. I am at loss of words."
Derek Sherinian (ex-DREAM THEATER, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN): "I think that this is such a horrible tragedy. I never met Darrell, but I admired his talent and what he stood for musically. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones."
Flo Mounier (CRYPTOPSY): "I just found out this morning. What the hell is this fucking planet coming to. Dimebag was an innovator and an amazing guitar player. It's difficult enough to play shows in this business but now this. I am completely shocked and extremely angry at the way our world is becoming. A moment of silence for Dimebag and the other victims and my thoughts as well as the rest of CRYPTOPSY's goes to their families. R.I.P."
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