LURKER OF CHALICE - Lurker Of Chalice - zpět na článek

Thorn Thorn | 14.7.2006 19:19

ad kvalitne recenzie -- takto by som to nenapisal :-(

"In one sense, imagine the annihilation-time archetype of mid-'90s Neurosis drawing a bead on Blut Aus Nord's recent love of lava, with perhaps the surrealistic insomnia of Albin Julius-era Death in June orbiting the mélange/miasma/meltdown. In another sense, this is something altogether different and certainly altogether more terrifying - and yet, most perversely, soothing 'n' sumptuous and even a bit sensual.in the jet-blackest of manners, of course. Confused yet? Don't be: Just buy it, as it's easily among the year's best, no joke. -N.T.Birk (Terrorizer / Metal Maniacs)"

goelr goelr | 14.7.2006 16:00

jj, Blekmun jiste Thornovi hrozi svou pestickou!

Radalf Radalf | 14.7.2006 14:07

jj, tistene ziny se tomu kvalitou ani neblizi:(

Thorn Thorn | 14.7.2006 13:49

Tu je link na MP3, nebolo lahke ho najst :-))

Reverend_crut Reverend_crut | 14.7.2006 13:29


vike vike | 14.7.2006 13:23

jj po precteni Thornovych recenzi se vetsinou musim usmivat nad drtivou vetsinou tistenych a netovych hudebnich medii a jejich "recenzety"...

jinak se u tehle placky podle mne i velmi povedl obal...

kuba | a co odkaz? | 14.7.2006 13:17

nějaký odkaz na ukázky by nebyl?, recenze dobrá,ale člověk dá hlavně na svoje uši.....